Turkish Lira Exchange Rate for June 2016

Monthly archive of the Turkish Lira's exchange rate for June 2016. Includes information on daily currency rates throughout the month. Default Single Archive Year Mo Full Desc: The complete monthly archive of the Turkish Lira's exchange rate for June 2016 provides detailed data on daily rates. This archive offers an in-depth analysis of currency rate fluctuations over the month, reflecting economic and market events important for understanding the dynamics of the currency market.


Turkish Lira

23 June 2016

Rubles for 1 TRY

3 June 2016

Rubles for 1 TRY

Dynamics course Turkish Lira, for 10 TRY TRY

DateCbr course
24.0622,2388 +0,3500
23.0621,8888 -0,2670
22.0622,1558 +0,0752
04.0622,6620 -0,0433
03.0622,7053 +0,1115
02.0622,5938 +0,2782

Cbr converter for today

Popular currencies

INFO about Turkish Lira

Letter codeTRY
Digital code949
About ruble's exchange rate of CBR
The complete monthly archive of the Turkish Lira's exchange rate for June 2016 provides detailed data on daily rates. This archive offers an in-depth analysis of currency rate fluctuations over the month, reflecting economic and market events important for understanding the dynamics of the currency market.