Canadian Dollar to US Dollar (USD/CAD) exchange rate for today


-0.00071 (-0.05003%)

Real time

The exchange rate of Canadian Dollar at the moment is 1.41840; the highest price has reached 1.42002; the lowest price was 1.41812; the market has opened at 1.41906. The daily change is equal to -0.05006%

Chart and trends of Canadian DOllar

JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.19.6201720182019202020212022202320242025USDCAD, D1201720182019202020212022202320242025
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The exchange rate of the Canadian Dollar to US Dollar on the Forex market is represented by USD/CAD currency pair, which shows how many US Dollars should be paid to receive 1 Canadian Dollar. The Canadian Dollar is usually paired up with US Dollar, because the latter was chosen as a reference currency that is used to gauge the value of other currencies. On the page of our website you will be able to find the exchange rate of the Canadian Dollar to US Dollar, and view the daily, weekly, and monthly charts

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