Euro to Ruble exchange rate in real time


0.00 (0.00%)

Real time

Short: Opening: 108.08 | Today's price range: 105.84 - 109.28 Euro to Ruble exchange rate for today is 108.61 rubles. Today's minimum was set at 105.84, maximum at 109.28 Rubles per Euro. The EUR/RUB pair opened at 108.08, and the daily change of the exchange rate is 0.00%

Charts and trends of the Ruble exchange rate


Ruble to Euro exchange rate on Forex, interbank market or the Central Bank of Russia is one of the primary indexes of economic stability in Russia. Euro is the second most important reserve currency; therefore, its price quote greatly influences the country's industry sectors that are focused on export. Major Russian business owners that collaborate with the European market closely monitor the EUR/RUB exchange rate trends, in order to properly react to the changes on Forex and stock exchange markets.

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