Russian Ruble Exchange Rate on the Foreign Market
Russian Ruble Rate on Foreign Exchange Market is defined by the legal entities' supply and demand rates on “Moscow Exchange.” Russian Ruble exchange rate for today and tomorrow is published on the web portal according to official information from the Bank of Russia official website. The Bank of Russia exchange market, that forms the official Russian Ruble exchange rate — trade domain OJSC "Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS." The Russian Ruble foreign market exchange rate published on the website is the official price of the Russian currency.
Symbol | Price | Change | Change(%) | Updated |
Euro Today's Euro to Ruble exchange rate | 108.19 | +15.66 | +16.93 | 05:37:07 |
Dollar Ruble to Dollar exchange rate | 103.84 | +14.49 | +16.22 | 05:37:07 |
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Ruble Exchange Rate on the Foreign Market is given by the Bank of Russia according to the results of the day trades by legal entities on the country's main domain — OJSC "Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS." Established after the merging of the two largest stock markets in the post-soviet region in 2011, "Moscow Exchange" plays the dominant part in defining the Russian Ruble currency rate by the Bank of Russia for today and tomorrow.