Australian Dollar (AUD USD) exchange rate for today


+0.00053 (+0.08390%)

Real time

The current exchange rate of Australian Dollar is 0.63225; the highest price today has reached 0.63247; the lowest price was 0.63096; the market was opened at a price of 0.63165. The daily change is 0.08383%

Chart and trends of AUDUSD

JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.19.6201720182019202020212022202320242025AUDUSD, D1201720182019202020212022202320242025
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The exchange rate of Australian Dollar to US Dollar is represented by AUD/USD pair on the Forex Market. Today, the exchange rate of Australian Dollar is being influenced by various aspects and tendencies of the commodity market, as well as by China statistics. The AUD/USD exchange rate represents how many US Dollars should be paid for 1 Australian Dollar.

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