Hungarian Forint Exchange Rate for February 2022

Monthly archive of the Hungarian Forint's exchange rate for February 2022. Includes information on daily currency rates throughout the month. Default Single Archive Year Mo Full Desc: The complete monthly archive of the Hungarian Forint's exchange rate for February 2022 provides detailed data on daily rates. This archive offers an in-depth analysis of currency rate fluctuations over the month, reflecting economic and market events important for understanding the dynamics of the currency market.


Hungarian Forint

12 February 2022

Rubles for 100 HUF

25 February 2022

Rubles for 100 HUF

Dynamics course Hungarian Forint, for 100 HUF HUF

DateCbr course
26.0225,3947 -1,5558
25.0226,9505 +1,4662
23.0225,4843 +0,9706
15.0224,2648 +0,1401
12.0224,1247 -0,0896
11.0224,2143 +0,0063

Cbr converter for today

Popular currencies

INFO about Hungarian Forint

Letter codeHUF
Digital code348
About ruble's exchange rate of CBR
The complete monthly archive of the Hungarian Forint's exchange rate for February 2022 provides detailed data on daily rates. This archive offers an in-depth analysis of currency rate fluctuations over the month, reflecting economic and market events important for understanding the dynamics of the currency market.