martinluter2014 - 770492261

Account Information

Account number: 770492261
Account type: Demo
Status: There is no connection to the server
Updated: 1 year
Deposits: $ 49 621.2
Дата изменения:
4 years

Indicators / Updated: 16 August 10:35

Balance: $ 1
Gain: -100%
Drow: -95.43%
Trades: 1 744
Open: 0
Equity: 1
Profit: $ -49 620.2
Withdrawals: $ -378.8
Avg. Trade Time: 20h 25min
Best Trade: $ 2 150.00
Worst Trade: $ -3 074.26
Profitable Trades: 84.27%

Profitability of the account

DailyWeeklyMonthly3 Months6 Months9 MonthsTotal

Graph of account 770492261

Trading Activity

No results found.
  • Balance: 1
  • Equity: 1
  • Margin Free: 0
  • Margin level: 0%
  • 00
751819432020.06.02 18:35sell2EURJPY0120.852020.06.03 21:38122.447-27.23-2534.73
751812992020.06.02 18:16sell2EURJPY0120.752020.06.03 21:34122.44-27.23-2684.97
751670382020.06.02 11:26buy1USDCAD01.3572020.06.03 17:311.357-3.81264.55
751819872020.06.02 18:36sell2CADJPY079.992020.06.03 17:3179.99-18.29379.6
751670392020.06.02 11:26buy1USDCAD01.35672020.06.03 17:301.3567-3.81244.71
751840512020.06.02 19:51sell2CHFJPY0112.62020.06.03 17:27112.6-27.11136.3
751748302020.06.02 14:51buy1USDCAD01.35452020.06.03 16:521.3545-3.81299
751670432020.06.02 11:26sell1AUDUSD00.6782020.06.03 07:020.69656-1.78-1609
751670422020.06.02 11:26sell1AUDUSD00.67782020.06.03 07:010.69699-1.78-1652
751670442020.06.02 11:26sell1AUDUSD00.67822020.06.03 07:010.69677-1.78-1632
 TimeCommentAccount HistoryOpen DealsBalanceEquity
8212020.04.02 07:57Update0647530774685
8222020.04.02 08:03Update+2627536274853
8232020.04.02 08:10Update+2607541674957
8242020.04.02 08:15Update0607541674985
8252020.04.02 08:21Update0607541674908
8262020.04.02 08:30Update0607541674896
8272020.04.02 08:36Update0607541674890
8282020.04.02 08:42Update0607541674930
8292020.04.02 08:48Update0707541674964
8302020.04.02 08:56Update0847541675057


Symbol Trades Volume Swap Profit
No results found.
Symbol Trades Volume Swap Profit

Closed deals count stats


Closed deals
Total Trades Not set
Canceled Orders Not set
Average Order Lifetime 20 hours 33 minutes 8 seconds
Best Trade no data
Worse Trade no data
Average Profit no data
Average Worse no data
Best Trade In Pips no data
Worse Trade in Pips no data
Profit Trades (% of total) 0%
Profit Factor 0.00
Maximal Lot 0.00
Minimal Lot 0.00
Average Lot 0.00
Total Lot 0.00
Orders Average Per Day Not set
Total Profit Trades Not set
Total Loss Trades Not set
Gross Loss no data
Gross Profit no data
Total Net Profit no data