Алексей Лев - 12739030

Account Information

Account number: 12739030
Account type: Demo
Broker: Alpari Limited
Status: There is no connection to the server
Updated: 5 years
Deposits: $ 10 000
Leverage: 1:500

Indicators / Updated: 31 July 18:13

Balance: $ -818
Gain: -108.18%
Drow: -110.77%
Trades: 3 604
Open: 17
Equity: 61
Profit: $ -10 818
Avg. Trade Time: 8h 29min
Best Trade: $ 1 296.68
Worst Trade: $ -1 376.70
Profitable Trades: 61.86%

Profitability of the account

DailyWeeklyMonthly3 Months6 Months9 MonthsTotal

Graph of account 12739030

Trading Activity

USDCHF5343785682019.06.26 00:00buy0.2500.992240.97551.255.75
USDCHF5337390382019.06.19 10:10sell0.1001.0003-9.24229.69
USDCAD5336402052019.06.18 18:30sell0.05001.3416-2.96113.2
USDJPY5314496312019.05.27 23:59sell0.0500109.523-19.3978.93
USDJPY5314496302019.05.27 23:59sell0.100109.523-38.71157.85
USDCAD5314303892019.05.27 19:05sell0.05001.3442-11.01123.3
USDCHF5314298492019.05.27 19:00sell0.1001.0051-39.2279.19
  • Balance: -818
  • Equity: 61
  • Margin Free: 0
  • Margin level: 259.28%
  • -119.311 020.58
5292709272019.04.26 21:05sell0.05USDJPY0111.5782019.04.29 03:14111.578-0.63-2.42
5292839662019.04.26 23:25sell0.06USDJPY0111.5782019.04.29 03:14111.578-0.750.32
5292882372019.04.27 00:45sell0.07USDJPY0111.5782019.04.29 03:14111.578-0.882.82
5292492322019.04.26 19:00buy0.05USDCHF01.019612019.04.27 02:541.019610-3.87
5292654052019.04.26 20:35buy0.06USDCHF01.019612019.04.27 02:541.0196104.41
5292431402019.04.26 18:35buy0.05GBPUSD002019.04.27 01:451.2919305.25
5292340642019.04.26 17:40sell0.05GBPUSD01.292132019.04.27 01:451.292130-7.45
5292654032019.04.26 20:35sell0.06GBPUSD01.292132019.04.27 01:451.2921308.04
5292774132019.04.26 22:00sell0.05EURUSD01.115792019.04.26 23:411.115790-2.2
5292820892019.04.26 23:00sell0.06EURUSD01.115792019.04.26 23:411.1157902.7
 TimeCommentAccount HistoryOpen DealsBalanceEquity
98012019.06.20 00:09Update0421552914731
98022019.06.20 00:14Update0431552914716
98032019.06.20 00:19Update0431552914712
98042019.06.20 00:31Update0431552914719
98052019.06.20 00:36Update0431552914700
98062019.06.20 00:41Update0431552914697
98072019.06.20 00:47Update0431552914666
98082019.06.20 00:52Update0431552914652
98092019.06.20 00:57Update0431552914660
98102019.06.20 01:03Update0431552914662


Symbol Trades Volume Swap Profit
Symbol Trades Volume Swap Profit
USDCHF45557.40128,05-10 766,06
USDCAD28122.92-62,04-3 835,64
GBPUSD61161.86-482,321 405,02
EURUSD1323362.65-573,342 449,32

Closed deals count stats


Closed deals
Total Trades Not set
Canceled Orders Not set
Average Order Lifetime 12 hours 53 minutes 52 seconds
Best Trade no data
Worse Trade no data
Average Profit no data
Average Worse no data
Best Trade In Pips no data
Worse Trade in Pips no data
Profit Trades (% of total) 0%
Profit Factor 0.00
Maximal Lot 0.00
Minimal Lot 0.00
Average Lot 0.00
Total Lot 0.00
Orders Average Per Day Not set
Total Profit Trades Not set
Total Loss Trades Not set
Gross Loss no data
Gross Profit no data
Total Net Profit no data