Oleg.J - 65286007

Account Information

Account number: 65286007
Account type: Demo
Broker: Insta Service
Status: Not true account number or password
Updated: 10 months
Deposits: $ 50 000
Leverage: 1:200

Indicators / Updated: 05 March 11:11

Balance: $ 41 762
Gain: -16.48%
Drow: -72.45%
Trades: 702
Open: 20
Equity: 12 551
Profit: $ -8 238
Avg. Trade Time: 10h 36min
Best Trade: $ 6 216.42
Worst Trade: $ -9 240.00
Profitable Trades: 72.24%

Profitability of the account

DailyWeeklyMonthly3 Months6 Months9 MonthsTotal

Graph of account 65286007

JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.19.6Dec 28Dec 31JanJan 06Jan 09Jan 12Jan 15Jan 18Jan 21Jan 24Jan 27Jan 30FebFeb 05Dec 28Dec 31JanJan 06Jan 09Jan 12Jan 15Jan 18Jan 21Jan 24Jan 27Jan 30FebFeb 05Feb 0830,00035,00040,00045,00050,00055,00060,000

Trading Activity

USDJPY4716863722024.02.02 20:57sell100148.29-45.04-144.22
USDJPY4716863692024.02.02 20:57sell100148.29-45.04-144.22
USDJPY4716863682024.02.02 20:57sell100148.29-45.04-144.22
USDJPY4716863672024.02.02 20:57sell100148.29-45.04-144.22
USDJPY4716863662024.02.02 20:57sell100148.29-45.04-144.22
USDJPY4716863652024.02.02 20:57sell100148.29-45.04-144.22
USDJPY4716863642024.02.02 20:57sell100148.29-45.04-144.22
USDJPY4716503932024.02.02 19:03sell5000148.0500-2252.13-8008.77
USDJPY4716778192024.02.02 18:41sell100147.74-45.04-180.78
USDJPY4716778172024.02.02 18:41sell100147.74-45.04-180.78
  • Balance: 41 762
  • Equity: 12 551
  • Margin Free: 0
  • Margin level: 5 750%
  • -5 256.7-23 954.51
4708695212023.12.30 14:39buy1Chainlink002023.12.30 14:4915.105100.51
4708695252023.12.30 14:40buy1Chainlink002023.12.30 14:4915.105101.67
4708695262023.12.30 14:40buy1Chainlink002023.12.30 14:4915.105101.67
4708695282023.12.30 14:41buy1Chainlink002023.12.30 14:4915.105102.71
4708695292023.12.30 14:41buy1Chainlink002023.12.30 14:4915.105102.71
4708695312023.12.30 14:42buy1Chainlink002023.12.30 14:4915.105103.83
4708695322023.12.30 14:42buy1Chainlink002023.12.30 14:4915.105103.83
4708695342023.12.30 14:44buy1Chainlink002023.12.30 14:4915.105104.96
4708695352023.12.30 14:44buy1Chainlink002023.12.30 14:4915.101105.68
4708693832023.12.30 14:01sell0.01#Bitcoin41651.25414512023.12.30 14:3341651.2500.16
 TimeCommentAccount HistoryOpen DealsBalanceEquity
26312024.01.31 22:00Update064022040714
26322024.01.31 22:11Update064022040779
26332024.01.31 22:21Update064022040866
26342024.01.31 22:27Update064022040944
26352024.01.31 22:35Update064022040931
26362024.01.31 22:42Update064022040922
26372024.01.31 22:49Update064022040913
26382024.01.31 22:57Update064022040904
26392024.01.31 23:21Update064022040812
26402024.01.31 23:21Download account history267-00


Symbol Trades Volume Swap Profit
USDJPY17115.00-5 256,70-23 954,51
Symbol Trades Volume Swap Profit
XAUUSD338.49-3 255,96-11 819,50
USDJPY23910.35-2 933,5410 118,07

Closed deals count stats

JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.19.600:0001:2002:5404:2806:0207:3609:1010:4412:1813:5215:2617:0018:3420:0821:4223:1600:0001:2002:5404:2806:0207:3609:1010:4412:1813:5215:2617:0018:3420:0821:4223:16020406080100120


Closed deals
Total Trades Not set
Canceled Orders Not set
Average Order Lifetime 8 hours 37 minutes 41 seconds
Best Trade no data
Worse Trade no data
Average Profit no data
Average Worse no data
Best Trade In Pips no data
Worse Trade in Pips no data
Profit Trades (% of total) 0%
Profit Factor 0.00
Maximal Lot 0.00
Minimal Lot 0.00
Average Lot 0.00
Total Lot 0.00
Orders Average Per Day Not set
Total Profit Trades Not set
Total Loss Trades Not set
Gross Loss no data
Gross Profit no data
Total Net Profit no data